Sunday, January 3, 2021

3 January 2021


Walked around the first 3 holes of the Blue course this morning.  Highlight was a female Reed Bunting on the 3rd. I don't recall seeing one at Frilford before.  I managed to get a shot through the reeds...

Reed Bunting [3rd Green]

Other notable birds included:

  • Lots of siskins and goldfinches on the first 3 holes.
  • Collard Dove - seen from the practice net area.
  • Pheasant - two males on the first hole
  • Around 50 Redwings on the 2nd fairway
  • 3 or 4 Herring Gulls flying over
Siskin [2nd Blue]

On returning to the car park I noticed a buzzard in the trees on the yellow course which stayed put whilst I stayed in the car photographing.  
Buzzard [Yellow course]
Buzzard [Yellow course]

I think that this bird is the fairly tame one that is usually around the 2nd fairway on the Green in the evenings.  There are at least four resident Buzzards, in addition to this one, look out for:

  • An unusually pale bird on the Green course, particularly around the 11th and 13th;
  • Another that I see along the first on the Blue and in the tall trees on the left of the 4th and 5th; and
  • One around the 13th of the Red and the 14th of the Green
Finally I had a quick trip to the Doghouse range where I saw a pair of Crossbills in the small pines at the far end and a couple of Roe Deer in the next field.

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