Saturday, February 20, 2021

20 February 2021


Rather overcast today as I walked around different sections of the 3 courses.  A few more flowers starting to appear.

Daffodil Nacissus pseudonarcissus [12th Red]

Dog's Mercury Mercurialis perennis [1st Blue]

Daisy Bellis perennis [1st Blue]

Elsewhere this was one of two pairs of Canada Geese noisily disputing ownership of the pond on the 3rd of the Blue.

Canada Geese [3rd Blue]

I also spotted a pair of Stock Doves on the Greenkeepers' hut behind the 16th on the Blue.  They are easy birds to overlook as they are similar in size and appearance to Woodpigeons.  On close inspection however you can see that they slightly darker, lack the Woodpigeon's white neck patch and have a thin black wing-bar rather than a broad white wing bar.

Stock Dove [16th Blue]

Compared to some Woodpigeons that I photographed behind the 3rd on the Blue in November:

Woodpigeon [3rd Blue]

I also regularly see a Green Woodpecker in one of the oak trees along the hedge on the 2nd on the Blue, where I suspect they may be nesting and a pair of Mallard around the pond by the 4th tee.

Green Woodpecker [2nd Blue]

Mallard [4th Blue]

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