Friday, February 26, 2021

26 February 2021

 Have walked various bits of the course over the last couple of days.   There are definitely signs of spring with flowers starting to appear, birds singing and nesting and even butterflies starting to appear.

Plenty of Crossbills still around on the course.  This flock was in the small pine tree to the right of the 11th tee on the Blue, flying down to drink from the large puddle that persists there - not far from where my sliced drive usually ends up.

Crossbills [11th Blue]

They also frequent the pine trees by the greenkeepers shed, such as this male and female.
Crossbills [16th Blue]

Elsewhere, there are Song Thrushes are still very vocal.  This is the usual one nesting near the 3rd green on the Blue.

This Mistle Thrush looked to have found a potential nest site behind the 6th Green.  I also heard a Skylark for the first time this year to the left of the 2nd on the Blue.  

Mistle Thrush [6th Blue]

There are plenty of Hedge Sparrows singing.  Their song always sounds very upbeat and cheerful.

and other resident birds.

Woodpigeon [4th Blue]

It is a little early for the main spring migrants, but I did spot this Chiffchaff at the side of the 4th fairway and another singing behind the 6th on the Blue.  These are generally summer visitors, although a few do overwinter.

Chiffchaff [4th Blue]

A few flowers are starting to appear.  Some are vary obvious, such as the Snowdrops, which are now very visible on the course:
Snowdrop Galanthus nivalis [5th Red]

Others are a bit less obvious:

Red Dead-nettle Lamium purpureum [12th Red]

Ivy-leaved Speedwell Veronica hederifolia [12th Red]

Common Whitlow-grass Erophila verna [3rd Red]

A few insects are also visible.  A Brimstone butterfly fluttered by on the 12th Red and a few ladybirds are around:
7 Spot Ladybird [12th Red]

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