Sunday, February 28, 2021

28 February 2021

The most obliging birds today were clinging onto pine cones around the 16th on the Blue.  Coal Tits are the smallest of the tits that I commonly see around the course.  They are rather like miniature Great Tits, but are rather less colourful and have a distinctive white stripe on their nape - more obvious in the second photo.

Coal Tit [16th Blue]

Siskins and Crossbills were on good form in the sunshine.

Siskin [16th Blue]

Crossbill [16th Blue]

Here is a female crossbill calling, then joined by some Siskins on the 4th Red.

Other birds/animals of note include:
3 Stock Doves feeding near the Blue practice area;
Several Skylarks singing over the fields to the left of the 2nd-6th on the Blue; and
Brown hare on the 1st Blue.

A couple more rather obscure flowers to add to the yearly list:
Groundsel Senecio vulgaris [Driving Range]

Common Chickweed Stellaria media [Driving Range]

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