Saturday, February 27, 2021

27 February 2021


Beautiful morning, had a walk around all 3 courses.  Nothing particularly noteworthy, but all looking good in the sunshine.  Siskins, Crossbills and Goldfinches were all feeding around the 3rd and 4th on the Red.

Siskins [4th Red]

Crossbill [3rd Red]

This Long-tailed Tit was gathering nesting material in the gorse beside the 18th Blue.

Long-tailed Tit [18th Blue]

There are plenty of Great Tits singing around the course at the moment.  This one is a male.  The males have broader black stripes across their front than females.  Great Tits have one of the most impressive repertoires of different calls of any British bird with over 100 different songs being recorded.  This bird only felt the need to employ one of these.

Other birds about include one of the two Magpies that always frequent the trees around the 12th Red, a Coot on the reservoir and a Buzzard flying over the first couple of holes on the Blue.

Magpie [12th Red]

Coot [reservoir]

Buzzard [2nd Blue]

This Muntjac Deer didn't spot me whilst it was grazing in the area between the 15th and 13th on the Red.

A few more familiar flowers are appearing all around the course - a bit of yellow about today.

Daffodil Narcissus pseudonarcissus [15th Red]

Dandelion Taraxacum officinale [12th Red]

Lesser Celandine Ficaria verna [4th Blue]

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