Saturday, March 13, 2021

13 March 2021

 Had a walk around the range and the Blue course in the early evening sunshine.  A couple more flowers to add to the 2021 list from behind the driving range bays.  Grape Hyacinth is a garden escapee, Common Field Speedwell is a common native plant.

Garden Grape Hyacinth Muscari armeniacum [Driving Range]

Common Field Speedwell Veronica persica [Driving Range]

Also on the driving range was a flock of around 10-12 Greenfinches.  I don't see them on the course very often and they have declined nationally by over 60% in the last 15 years due to a disease called Trichomonosis which is caused by parasites and affects the birds' ability to feed.

Greenfinches [Driving range]

Goldfinches on the other hand have significantly increased in the same period.  Today there was a noisy flock of 30+ birds in the bushes on the left of the driving range.
Goldfinches [Driving Range]

On the Blue there was a flock of Linnets in the trees on the left of the 2nd fairway, 200+ Redwings on the 1st and 2nd fairways and a couple of Roe Deer.
Linnet [2nd Blue]

Redwing [2nd Blue]

Roe Deer [1st Blue]

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