Sunday, March 14, 2021

14 March 2021


Had a quick trip down to the 2nd on the Blue early this morning to have a look for the Kingfishers.  Having caught glimpses of them over the last week or so and spoken to the greenkeepers, the most reliable place to see them is the stream in front of the green on this hole.

Kingfisher [2nd Blue]
It is always a privilege to see Kingfishers. There was a pair today, moving between the hazard posts and in and out of the stream and then onto the bridge.
Kingfisher [2nd Blue]
In the bottom photo you can see the iridescent feathers on the back that provides the flash of turquoise when a Kingfisher flies past - as you can see at the end of the brief video below.

A pair of Grey Wagtails also frequent this area.  Here they are on top of the same bridge.  

Grey Wagtails [2nd Blue]

There really are a lot of birds in this area of the course, whilst watching the Kingfishers I also saw a pair of Moorhens, Goldfinches and Siskins feeding on the fallen seeds, Mistle Thrushes, Redwings and Blackbirds feeding on the fairway, a Wren flying between the stream and its nest, a Great Tit singing and Green Woodpeckers flying across the fairway.
Great Tit [2nd Blue]

I had a quick look at the reservoir on the way back to the car park and there were a pair of Greylag Geese in addition to 5 noisy Canada Geese.

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