Thursday, March 18, 2021

17 March 2021


Had a day off today, so had a good walk around all of the courses and the Doghouse range.  The courses are looking good and it will be good to have the camera back in the golf bag again in a couple of weeks.

I had a good look for flowers today.  Most notable were the Violets which I found next to the 18th tee on the Green and in the Doghouse range.  Three different patches of plants with three very different colours - all seemed to be the same species - Sweet Violet. 

Sweet Violets Viola odorata [18th Green]

Sweet Violet Viola odorata [Doghouse range]

A couple of attractive garden escapees were also flowering.  Siberian Squill, on the edge of the 5th and 12th on the Red and Oregon-Grape around much of the boundary of the Red course.

Siberian Squill Scilla siberica [Doghouse range]

Oregon-Grape Mahonia aquifolium [12th Red]

More mundane, but perhaps more authentic, were the Ground Ivy and Dog's Mercury to the left of the 13th tee on the Red.
Ground-Ivy Glechoma hederacea [13th Red]

Dog's Mercury Mercurialis perennis [13th Red]

Other flowers visible included:

Green Alkanet Pentaglotis sempervirens [Doghouse range]

White Dead-nettle Lamium album [Doghouse range]

Red Dead-nettle Lamium purpureum [12th Red]

Common Whitlow-grass Erophila verna [Doghouse range]

Lesser Periwinkle Vinca minor [Doghouse range]

A few Bumblebees were around the gorse at the back of the 16th tee on the Red.

Buff-tailed Bumblebee [16th Green]

There were also a few birds around.

Pied Wagtail [reservoir]

Nuthatch [9th Red]

Green Woodpecker [2nd Blue]

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