Saturday, March 20, 2021

20 March 21

Had a walk around the boundary of the Red and Blue and the Doghouse range this morning.  A few more signs on spring, including some frog spawn in the fen on the 16th Red.

Took a friend along today with some more botanical expertise who deduced that the violets in flower were Sweet Violets rather than Early Dog Violets and was able to point out some Field Wood Rush on the Doghouse range.

Sweet Violet Viola odorata [Doghouse range]

Field Wood Rush Luzula campestris [Doghouse range]

There was a pair of Reed Buntings in the reeds in the pond on the right of the 4th on the Blue.  This is a male, not quite in full summer plumage yet.  Its three note song is quite characteristic, if not particularly musical.

Reed Bunting [4th Blue]

Large numbers of Crossbills all over the course, Siskins, Redpolls and Stock Doves by the Greenkeepers hut.

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