Saturday, March 27, 2021

27 March 2021


Last weekend of lockdown, so had a long walk around all of the courses.  A couple more flowers to add to the list.  Field Mouse-ear is starting to flower on the edge of the 15th fairway on the Red.

Field Mouse-ear [15th Red]

Thale cress is a rather inconspicuous weed, but it is notable for being the first plant species to have its genome sequenced.

Thale Cress [5th Red]

I notice that the area to the right of the 10th tee on the Green is taped off.  I would imagine that this is to protect the Maiden Pink which grows there and which is one of the rarest plants on the course.  Look out for it from mid-June.  

There were 4 species of birds of prey on a thermal above the 17th Blue - Red Kite, Buzzard, Sparrowhawk and Peregrine.  The Peregrine was a long way up, but is just about identifiable from this heavily cropped image:

Peregrine [17th Blue]

Lots of Crossbills about still.  I think that they must be nesting somewhere nearby as they are usually very early breeders.  This male was by the greenkeeper's hut on the Blue.  

Crossbill [16th Blue]

When feeding on pine cones they use their unusually shaped beak to prize apart to the cone and extract the seeds with their tongue.

4 Greylag Geese flew over the 4th on the Blue, including a white one at the back.

Otherwise I had distant views of the Kingfisher on the 1st/2nd/3rd of the Blue and the normal selection of common birds.

Woodpigeon [16th Blue]

Hedge Sparrow [3rd Blue]

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