Tuesday, March 30, 2021

30 March 2021


Headed up for a walk around the back nine of the Red this morning and played 12 holes on the Green this evening.  Great to see the flags back in.  

I found a Drooping Star-of-Bethlehem in the rough short left of the 15th tee on the Red.  It is an introduced species, but quite a striking one.  

Drooping Star-of-Bethlehem Ornithogalum nutans [15th Red]

Lots of Linnets around at the moment.  Look out for these noisy finches in the gorse and in the birch trees.  There were flocks around the 15th and 5th of the Red this morning.

Linnet [5th Red]

A pair of Red-legged Partridges seem to be centred around the Greenkeepers hut on the Green.  I'm not sure if it was the same pair that I saw around the clubhouse over the winter.

Red-legged Partridge [6th Green]

Lots of Stock Doves around the course.  These three are usually around the Greenkeepers' hut on the Blue.  Another pair is often on the left of the 2nd on the Blue.

Stock Doves [16th Blue]

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