Monday, April 12, 2021

11 April 2021

 Had a good look around for new flowers on the course, but wasn't able to find any today.  Three more new birds to add to the list though - all from around the reservoir.   

Gadwall are quite handsome ducks - about the same size as a Mallard and usually found in pairs or small family groups.  This pair were on the reservoir this morning before being harassed into leaving by a typically pugnacious Coot.

Gadwall [Reservoir]

Gadwall and Coot [Reservoir]

I don't see many waders around the course.  This Common Sandpiper was also on the reservoir first thing.

Common Sandpiper [Reservoir]

Nearby was a Willow Warbler.  They are very difficult to distinguish from a Chiffchaff until they sing.   This one gave a quick phrase to allow confirmation of the identification.

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