Wednesday, April 21, 2021

21 April 2021

Headed out this morning for a walk around the Blue.  Was hoping to see some migrant birds, but settled for some interesting flowers instead.  

Field Pansies are delicate little flowers - it is well worth topping your drive short left off the 7th to have an excuse to look at them.

Field Pansy Viola arvensis [7th Blue]

Not too far away in the wood there is lots of Wood Sorrell.  Just outside is Bugloss - A less spectacular relative of Viper's Bugloss that is common on the courses. 

Wood Sorrel Oxalis acetosella [behind 6th Blue]

Bugloss Anchusa arvensis [6th Blue]

There is quite a lot of Cuckoo Flower (also known as Lady's Smock) around the damp areas of the Blue and Green at the moment.  This patch was in the rough between the 8th and 11th on the Blue.

Cuckoo Flower Cardamine pratensis [8th Blue]

There is lots of Springbeauty all over the waste areas of the course.  It is actually an alien species introduced from North America in 1794.  Apparently it is quite good in salads. Look out for the fleshy leaves anywhere that is sandy.  This patch was on the 7th Blue.

Springbeauty Claytonia perfoliata [7th Blue]

I managed to find a better specimen of Heath Dog Violet on the 4th of the Green.

Heath Dog Violet Viola canina [4th Blue]

There were a couple of calling Woodpigeons when I got back to the car - they nest in the Leylandii around the chipping area.  

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