Friday, April 23, 2021

22 April 2021

A sunny but frosty morning today.  Just some familiar birds about. These are the first Swallows that I have been able to photograph - on the wire around the reservoir.  I saw the first one on 1st April and numbers have been steadily increasing.

Swallow [Reservoir]

The number of pheasants on the course is also starting to increase.  It's hard to fathom how many of these are released ahead of the shooting season.  According the study that I read, the total number released each year is around 47 million.  At the start of the shooting season this means that over 60% of total UK bird biomass is made up of pheasants, i.e. around 150% of the total for the rest of the birds in the UK.

Pheasant [16th Red]

A couple of other familiar birds and animals in the sunshine.

Hedge Sparrow [6th Red]

Blackbird [16th Red]

Muntjac [5th Red]

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