Saturday, April 24, 2021

24th April 2021


Another crisp clear morning, with plenty of different birds singing.  Blackbirds are one of the most common birds around the estate and are singing all over the courses at the moment.  Their song does not quite have the musical quality or clarity of a Song Thrush.  I've also only noticed this year that they seem to start singing slightly later than thrushes - perhaps for fear of being shown up.  This one was on the 8th, you can also hear a Wren in the background.

There are lots of warblers singing around the course.  I heard at least three Willow Warblers and numerous Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs.  This clip is a Chiffchaff on the 6th, but you can also hear a Blackcap singing in the background.

I saw and heard a Lesser Whitethroat on the left of the 2nd on the Blue, towards the end of the fairway.  They are rather shy birds and difficult to spot, and have a white throat with uniform grey upper-parts and dark legs.  I heard one in the same spot last year, so hopefully it should be around for the summer.

Lesser Whitethroat [2nd Blue]

 Like most warblers, Lesser Whitethroats have a distinctive song, in their case ending with a bit of trill - diggadiggadiggadigga, which you can hear in this brief clip:

There are lots of Linnets singing around the course all over the Blue and Red - this one was on the 5th Red:

The Reed Buntings are also still around the 3rd and 4th on the Blue:

Reed Bunting [3rd Blue]

There are quite a few mammals around at the moment.  I regularly see Roe Deer and Muntjac.  There are a few baby rabbits about and at least 2 pairs of Brown Hares on the Blue course.  This one was on the 15th.

Brown Hare [15th Blue]

Hares are longer-legged than rabbits and also move very differently:

I had a nice moment walking along the footpath beside the 5th on the Red when a Stoat ran towards me, seemingly oblivious to my presence until the last minute.  I could just have done with a bit more warning to get the camera set up properly.

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