Monday, April 26, 2021

26 April 2021

Sunny but cold and windy.  I had a quick walk around the Blue first thing followed by nine holes in the evening.  I came across a couple of very tame Mistle Thrushes admiring my drive down the 7th.  Some birds are a lot less wary in the summer - during the winter it was difficult to get close without them taking flight.  There are quite a lot around the course at the moment - they are larger than Song Thrushes and always appear quite long-necked.

Mistle Thrush [7th Blue]

I saw another large thrush this morning - a Fieldfare on the 5th.  This one is very late - most of the other winter thrushes disappeared very quickly some time in March.  

Fieldfare [5th Blue]

On the far left of the 4th I found some Honesty, one of the more colourful weeds of rough ground.

Honesty Lunaria annua [4th Blue]

I put a trail camera down besides the stream behind the 3rd Green.  I was hoping to get images of Water Voles.  I didn't get any, but an Otter did pass through:

Otter [3rd Blue]

Mostly though I got images of Brown Rats, which I guess is not surprising.  Prioritising science over aesthetics, I have included a quick video:

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