Thursday, April 29, 2021

29 April 2021

 Another of the sunny frosty mornings that have characterised April this year.   The unmistakable flower of Cuckoo-pint is quite evident around all of the courses at the moment.  This one was beside the stream on the 2nd Blue

Cuckoo Pint Arum maculatum [2nd Blue]

At least one Kingfisher is quite active in the evenings at the moment, I've seen it quite often when having a quick nine holes on the Blue.  The Crossbills are still around as well, although the numbers are not as high as winter and they tend to be in the tops of the pines.  

Swallows are quite common all over the courses.  These two were on the wire around the reservoir:

Swallows [Reservoir]

There were a pair of Goldcrests in the pines next to the driving range.  They are the smallest bird in the UK (jointly with Firecrests, which are much rarer) and have a striking yellow stripe on their head when viewed from the right angle:

Goldcrest [Tubney driving range]

There was also a Greenfinch singing next to the car park:

Greenfinch [Tubney driving range]

and Roe Deer in the field next the 2nd Blue:

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