Monday, April 5, 2021

4 April 2021

Very sunny Easter Day.   A few new flowers to see and butterflies starting to emerge.  There were a quite a number of Peacock and Small Tortoiseshell butterflies on the Doghouse practice range.

Peacock [Doghouse range]

Moschatel is a rather inconspicuous plant.  Also known as the Good Friday Flower, due to its flowering date and Town Hall clock due to the fact that it has 5 flowers in each cuboid cluster, 4 pointing outwards and one upwards.  There is a patch to the left of the 18th on the Green.

Mostachel Adoxa moschatellina [18th Green]

Some more plants included

Common Dog Violet Viola riviniana [13th Red]

Early Forget-me-not Myosotis ramosissima [Doghouse range]

Common Storksbill Erodium cicutarium [Doghouse range]

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