Friday, April 2, 2021

2 April 2021


Plenty more signs of spring and plenty of yellow about today.  There were 5 Yellow Wagtails on the 9th fairway this morning.   These are classic golf course passage migrants, liking short grass - other than golf courses you tend to see them in fields with grazing cows.  Quite a few have been reported in Oxfordshire in the past week and they tend to appear in April and September.  They are similar to Grey Wagtails but are a lot more yellow, particularly on the head and upper parts.  They also tend to be in parties of several birds, whereas you usually see Grey Wagtails singly on in pairs.

Yellow Wagtails [9th Blue]

Yellow Wagtail [9th Blue]

A couple more migrants also around.  I saw the first Swallow on the course flying over the 3rd on the Red yesterday and saw and heard a Blackcap singing on the 14th on the Red this morning.

A few more spring flowers have started to bloom.  The primroses around the stream on the 18th on the Red are quite spectacular.  There is also a patch on the 18th on the Green along with a few Wood Anemones.

Primrose Primula vulgaris [18th Green]

Wood Anemone Anemone nemorosa [18th Green]

If you are unfortunate enough to push your ball into the hazard on the right of the 2nd on the Blue, have a look for the Marsh Marigolds.  Their bright yellow flowers may offer some solace.

Marsh Marigold Caltha palustris [2nd Blue]

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