Friday, May 21, 2021

21 May 2021

Had a quick look around the front nine of the Red yesterday to see if I could spot any new flowers.   There were a few around.

Goatsbeard is in the Dandelion family and has distinctive grass-like leaves.  It is also know by the name of Jack-go-to-bed-at-noon as it tends to open in the morning sunshine and close up again by midday.  No surprise, given the recent weather, that this one is closed up

Goatsbeard Tragopogon pratensis (2nd Red)

There are a couple of nice patches of Heath Dog Violets on the footpath by the 4th.  These are uncommon nationally, but they are fairly frequent on our courses.  The flowers in this patch are fairly small, probably as an adaption to the mowing - I have found some larger ones by the heather on the Green.

Heath Dog Violets Viola canina [4th Red]

One of the least glamorous plants on the course is Lesser Chickweed, which is very common and often has no petals.  This one was by the relic green to the right of the 1st.

Lesser Chickweed Stellaria pallida [1st Red]

A rather more colourful weed is Wintercress, found short right of the 1st green.

Wintercress Barbarea vulgaris [1st Red]

Similar, but with smaller flowers is Hedge Mustard.  There is quite a lot between the 3rd Red and the reservoir.

Hedge Mustard Sisymbrium officinale [3rd Red]

A few fungi are starting to appear on the course at the moment.  These two Yellow Fieldcaps were at the back of the 2nd Green.

Yellow Fieldcap Bolbitius titubans [2nd Red]

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