Sunday, May 23, 2021

23 May 2021


Had a walk around the Green and Red this morning in a bit of rare sunshine.  I couldn't see much unusual bird-wise but there were quite a few nice flowers, particularly in the fen on the 16th.  

Ragged Robin grows in marshy conditions and has a unique flower with thin branching petals.  As well as the 16th Red, you can also see this in the hazard on the 9th Blue.

Ragged Robin Lynchis flos-cuculi [16th Red]

Nearby is the green-flowered Common Gromwell.

Common Gromwell Lithospermum officinale [16th Red]

On drier grassy areas, Birds-foot trefoil is starting to flower,  this one was on the 15th Red.

Bird's-foot trefoil Lotus corniculatus [15th Red]

Greater Celandine is actually a type of poppy and is unrelated to Lesser Celandine.  This one was on the 5th on the Yellow.

Greater Celandine (Chelidonium majus) [5th Yellow]

This Coal Tit was feeding a young bird on the left of the 3rd Red.  It is impressive how it manages to catch multiple caterpillars in its beak with nowhere else to store them.

Coal Tit [3rd Red]

Hedge Sparrow [5th Red]

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