Monday, May 24, 2021

24 May 2021

 A last look at the Oak and Ash trees in front of the 3rd tee Green before they are felled next week..

Quite a lot of different fungi around the course at the moment.  These rather odd looking things are Spiny Puffballs - growing to the left of the 4th green on the Red.

Spiny Puffball Lycoperdon echinatum [4th Red]

There are some very large mushrooms to the left of the 14th on the Red, which I think are Horse Mushrooms.

Horse Mushroom Agaricus arvensis [14th Red]

On the 5th Red I found these, which I think are Common Inkcaps:

Common Inkcaps Coprinopsis atramentaria [5th Red]

There are three species of comfrey in flower on the courses at the moment.  Common Comfrey is found on the 3rd and 4th of the Blue.  It's flowers vary in colour, but the leaves have broad wings where they meet the stem.

Common Comfrey Symphytum officinale [4th Blue]

The other 2 species on Boundary Fen, to the left of the 13th/14th on the Red.  White Comfrey has pure white flowers and has a few patches here.  Russian Comfrey grows just behind the 14th tee, is more roughly hairy and typically has pink or purplish flowers.

White Comfrey Symphytum orientale [14th Red]

Russian Comfrey Symphytum x uplandicum [14th Red]

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