Monday, May 31, 2021

31 May 2021

The golf competition season is well underway.  I was in Wales last week taking Luke to the Welsh Youth Open and am up at Woodhall Spa this week taking him to another competition.  

In between I managed a quick walk round the course.  Conditions were rather murky first thing and there weren't many birds to photograph, but new flowers continue to appear.

Starting in the car park there are a few more flowers on the wall, in addition to the Fairy Foxgloves:

Biting Stonecrop Sedum acre [Car park]

Rue-leaved Saxifrage Saxifraga tridactylites [Car park]

Common Poppy Papava rhoeas [Car park]

In the trees to the left of the 13th fairway Red I came across Sanicle - not a plant that I have encountered before.   

Sanicle Sanicula europaea [13th Red]

Common in shady spots, particularly around the reservoir is Bur Chervil.

Bur Chervil Anthriscus caucalis [3rd Red]

On waste areas on various spots around the course is White Bryony.  This plant is actually a member of the cucumber family, although this particular species is quite toxic.  This one was growing on the right of 15 Red.

White Bryony Bryonia dioica [15th Red]

If you've walked near the fairway anywhere on the Green course, you have almost certainly trodden on Bird's-foot, a tiny pea-like plant that is prolific on the short turf.

Bird's-foot Ornithopus perpusillus [15th Green]

Another tiny plant growing on the Green is Parsley Piert with distinctive lobed leaves but flowers that are green and too small to see.

Parsley Piert Aphanes arvensis [14th Green]

On the thirteenth Red I found a Mayfly by the stream.  This is actually a different species than the ones on that I saw earlier in the month on the 3rd Blue.

Mayfly Ephemera danica [13th Red]

There are a surprisingly large number of shieldbug species in the UK.  Fortunately there are various internet sites devoted to them.  I found this one on the 18th Blue - I think that it's a Red-legged Shieldbug.  It was actually one of three - the other two fell off the leaf when I moved it with the camera - I'm not sure if this was a deliberate escape ploy or poor balance.

Red-legged Shieldbug Pentatoma rufipes [18th Blue]

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