Saturday, June 5, 2021

5 June 2021


Very hot and sunny today - everything looking very lush and green.  

On the Doghouse range I managed to find another of the rare Frilford plants - Hoary Cinquefoil.  This is another Potentilla and can be identified by the downy white hairs on the back of the leaves and stem.  I found it on the left of the range near the car park.

Hoary Cinquefoil Potentilla argentia [Doghouse range]

Easier to spot, the Lupins on the Doghouse range are quite spectacular at the moment.

Tree Lupin Lupinus arboreus [Doghouse range]

There are a couple of species of Sandwort around the course at the moment, these are rather inconspicuous white flowers.  Thyme-leaved Sandwort grows to the right of the 15th Red and the much larger Three-nerved Sandwort grows in a few places, including the wood behind the 6th Blue and on the left of the 13th Red.

Thyme-leaved Sandwort Arenaria serpyllifolia [ 15th Red]

Three-nerved Sandwort Moehringia trinvervia [6th Blue]

Lesser Stitchwort is fairly common and can be found growing in the rough in various places around the course.

Lesser Stitchwort Stellaria graminea [13th Red]

The next batch of orchids are starting to flower in the damp areas.  Common Spotted Orchids are the most frequent around the courses.  

Common Spotted Orchid Dactylorhiza fuchsii [16th Red]

Yellow Irises are also starting to show, particularly around the pond by the 4th tee on the Blue.

Yellow Iris Iris pseudacorus [4th Blue]

Also plenty of insects about at the moment.  This Beautiful Demoiselle was on the 4th Blue

Beautiful Demoiselle Calopteryx virgo [4th Blue]

Orange-tip Anthocharis cardamines [Doghouse range]

Small Copper Lycaena phlaeas [15th Red]

Fairly quiet bird-wise.  Most seem more focused on feeding their broods than posing for photos, but there are quite a few noisy woodpeckers around.

Great-spotted Woodpecker [2nd Blue]

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