Saturday, July 31, 2021

31 July 2021


Mostly cloudy and wet today, but still a few more flowers to discover.  Common Fleabane grows in many of the damp areas around the course, particularly in the fen in front of the 3rd Blue.  This patch was on the 6th Blue.

Common Fleabane Pulicaria dysenterica [6th Blue]

Very different, other than the name, Canadian Fleabane is common in the rough and on waste ground, but is rather inconspicuous - this plant growing in the Tubney range car park.

Canadian Fleabane Conyza canadensis [Tubney range]

This rather fearsome looking Wasp Spider was in the bushes behind the pond on the 3rd Blue.

Wasp Spider Argiope bruennichi [3rd Blue]

In the background you can see Gypsywort - shown in better focus below:

Gypsywort Lycopus europaeus [3rd Blue]

Smooth Tare grows in among the rough on the left of the 11th Blue where it forms small bushes.

Smooth Tare Vicia parviflora [11th Blue]

Not much else around today, other than this juvenile Moorhen on the 9th Red.

Moorhen [9th Red]

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