Wednesday, August 4, 2021

4 August 2021

 There are three kinds of mint around the course at the moment.  The most common is Water Mint which grows around most of the ponds and wet areas of the courses.

Water Mint Mentha aquatica [Boundary Fen]

On the left of the 1st on the Blue you can find Corn Mint, which is similar, but lacks the flowers at the top of the stem.

Corn Mint Mentha arvensis [1st Blue]

By the side of the pond on the 6th Blue, this looks like Pennyroyal, which has well-separated spikes of small flowers.  This is a very rare native plant but more common as a garden escape, which I presume this patch is.

Pennyroyal Mentha pulegium [6th Blue]

Another lilac-flowered plant, Soapwort, grows in a pretty dense patch on the left of the 14th on the Red.

Soapwort Saponaria officinalis [14th Red]

A few butterflies were warming up first thing.  These Red Admirals were on a tree next to the 14th tee Red.

Red Admiral Vanessa atalanta [14th Red]

This Painted Lady was on the 5th Blue.  These butterflies are unusual in that they migrate, starting out in the deserts of North Africa, Central Asia and the Middle East and spreading northwards as far a Britain.

Painted Lady Vanessa cardui [5th Blue]

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