Sunday, November 7, 2021

7 November 2021


This week has been the first proper cold spell of the winter and it has coincided with the arrival of the first winter visitors - I have seen Redwings, Siskins and Redpolls flying over various parts of the courses this week.

The scale of the work on the irrigation system is very impressive.  The reservoir is completely drained at the moment as the silt is removed and should create a significantly more efficient watering system once completed, although duck photos may be at a premium this winter.

If you have been perplexed recently after a shot into the 4th green on the Blue has seemed further away than expected or disappeared entirely, I may have the answer.  I played the hole this evening and watched a Carrion Crow roll and then fly off with my playing partner's ball, dropping it in the field behind the 5th tee (much to my amusement).  I then left a ball on the green and watched as same crow returned to the oak tree behind the 4th green and, once we had left the green, did exactly the same thing with this ball.  It is quite a feat to open its beak wide enough to grab the ball.

If this happens and you see a crow or other animal take your ball, then this is covered under rule 18-1 (Outside agency).  You are able to replace it at the spot where the ball was originally resting without penalty.  I am a country member at Perranporth Golf Club in Cornwall and they have the same problem on the 11th fairway, but with Herring Gulls rather than crows.  The birds think that they have found a rather round egg.

A few other, less troublesome birds in the sunshine.

Kestrel [4th Blue]

Blue Tit [5th Red]

Red Kite [13th Blue]

Redpoll [3rd Blue]

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