Sunday, November 28, 2021

26 November 2021


I had to battle through the detritus of Storm Arwen first thing this morning to reach the Blue course.  It was ultimately worthwhile though as I got a good view of the otters that frequent the ponds on the first few holes.  Whilst I have picked up occasional footage on my trail camera, I'm not sure how often they come out in the daylight, but this is the first time that I have seen them.  There was a family of three relaxing on the edge of the pond to the left of the first fairway.

Otters [1st Blue]

Elsewhere there was a flock of 30-40 Redpolls behind the 3rd Green and I'm pretty sure that I saw a Woodcock take off from the wood to the right of the 13th on the Blue.

Lots of wagtails trotting around the fairways - Pied Wagtails are most common and roost in large numbers (100+) around the clubhouse and car park.  Grey Wagtails are also quite frequent - particularly around the greenkeepers' huts.

Pied Wagtail [18th Blue]

Grey Wagtail [Greenkeepers' car park]

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