Thursday, November 25, 2021

13 November 2021


Looking very autumnal around the estate at the moment.  Much of the wood around the reservoir is made up of Larch trees, which are unusual among coniferous trees in that they change colour in autumn before shedding their needles over the winter.

European Larch Larix decidua [16th Blue]

Similarly colourful are the Maple trees to the left of the 3rd tee on the Red.

Maple - Acer sp [3rd Red]

There are numerous fungi about.  These Yellow Fieldcaps were growing on some of the compost in the wood behind the 6th Blue.

Yellow Fieldcap Bolbitius titubans [6th Blue]

This cluster of Brick Tufts were growing on some wood on the path beside the 3rd Red.

Brick Tuft Hypholoma lateritium [3rd Red]

I have seen a few finches this winter, in particular Siskins and Redpolls, but no sign of the Crossbills that were here in numbers this time last year.   There are plenty of Goldcrests though.  This one was in the wood behind the 16th Blue.
Goldcrest [16th Blue]

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