Sunday, February 27, 2022

27 February 2022


Another glorious morning and I managed to spot a new species of bird for the Frilford list.  There were 100+ Chaffinches feeding in the woods around the 1st and 2nd holes on the Blue and in amongst the flock were a few Bramblings.  The birds were very flighty, so it was difficult to get a photo, but the upper of the two birds in this picture is a Brambling, feeding around the abandoned golf balls.

Brambling [2nd Blue]

A pair of Nuthatches look to be nesting in a hole on one of the old willow trees at the side of the first on the Blue.  If you pull your tee shot you are likely to hear their calls.

Nuthatches [1st Blue]

Redwings are very common around the course at the moment, with the largest concentrations around the first and second on the Blue.

Redwing [1st Red]

Dunnocks are also very evident and one of the most characteristic songs around the course at the moment.

Dunnock [1st Red]

I came across this fungus on fallen twig on the 5th Blue.  It has the apt name of Yellow Brain and is also the more sinister name of 'Witch's Butter'.  As the fungus ages and dries out, like this one it turns bright orange.  

Yellow Brain Tremella mesenterica [5th Blue]

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