Saturday, February 26, 2022

26 February 2022


Have popped up a few times this week to play nine holes and to walk around the front nine of the Blue while it is out of action.  The noisiest arrivals are the Canada Geese, with pairs on both the 3rd and the 4th. They arrived at the same place the same time last year.

Canada Geese [3rd Blue]

A Grey Heron also frequented the pond on the Blue and a Cormorant also took off as I arrived.  I got a very brief view of the Water Rail in the ditch to the left of the Blue as well.

Grey Heron [3rd Blue]

One animal that I hoped lived around the 3rd Blue is the Water Vole.  I saw one for the first time earlier in the week.  It shot into the burrow below before I could get a photo, but the habitat around this area of the course is ideal for these mammals which like slow-flowing streams with banks in which to burrow.  They have declined significantly in this country in the last 30 years so it is good to see them here.

Not far away, this Muntjac Deer was just left of the 4th tee and the Mistle Thrush, one of many around the course, was on the 4th tee.
Muntjac [4th Blue]

Mistle Thrush [4th Blue]

I have seen the Kingfisher on the 1st and 2nd this week and lots of Siskins and Redpolls on the 1st and 2nd.

Kingfisher [1st Blue]

Siskin [9th Blue]

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