Sunday, February 6, 2022

6 February 2022

The first flowers of 2022 are appearing on the course.  The patch of Snowdrops by the 18th tee on the green in bloom as are these Stinking Hellebores on to the left of the 14th on the Red.

Snowdrops Galanthus nivalis [18th Green]

Stinking Hellebore Helleborus foetidus [14th Red]

Collard Doves are one of the birds, like House Sparrows, that are common elsewhere, but not on the Frilford estate.  This one was in a tree to the left of the Blue range.

Collard Dove [Tubney range]

Lots of birds singing yesterday, Robins and Dunnocks in particular.  Not so many today with the wind, but plenty of Red Kites maneuvering skillfully.

Dunnock [Tubney Range]
Red Kite [3rd Green]

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