Thursday, February 17, 2022

17 February 2022


I had a quick walk around the Blue course this morning and nine holes this evening in the sunny weather between storms Dudley and Eunice. The patch of Snowdrops by the 18th tee on the Green course is mostly in flower now.

There are a few Mallard that move between the ponds on the Blue course, including this oddly-coloured individual, still around from last year.  The reservoir is filling up but I haven't seen any birds on the water yet.

Mallards [4th Blue]

The largest flock of Siskins and Redpolls was in the treetops to the left of the 5th fairway on the Blue with 20-30 birds moving between the high branches, feeding on the Alder seeds.

Siskin [5th Blue]

A bit further along on the 6th a pair of Kingfishers was moving between the pond and the stream, where they look to be nesting.  I'm not sure whether this is a different pair to the one that I see regularly around the 1st-4th on the Blue.

Kingfishers [6th Blue]

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