Friday, April 15, 2022

15 April 2022


Beautiful morning on Good Friday.  I took the chance to walk the perimeter of the Red and Blue courses in particular to have a look at the spring flowers.  It was apt that one of the flowers in evidence, for those prepared to search, is Moschatel, which is also known as the Good Friday Plant.  It grows in most of the shady wooded areas on the course, but its green flowers are hard to spot.

Moschatel Adoxa moschatellina [18th Green]

More conspicuous in the wood behind the 6th Blue is Wood Sorrel, which is a delicate white flower with distinctive clover-like leaves.

Wood Sorrel Oxalis acetosella [6th Blue]

The wood to the left of the 13th Red is full of Yellow Archangel which has distinctive variagated foliage and yellow flowers.
Yellow Archangel Lamium galeobdolon [13th Red]

Other flowers include Honesty a colourful roadside weed and Greater Periwinkle on the left of the 17th Green.
Honesty [Doghouse range]

Greater Periwinkle Vinca major [17th Green]

Brimstones  are usually the first butterfly to appear in spring.  This one had settled on a Dandelion at the back of the 9th on the Blue.

Common Brimstone Gonepteryx rhamni [9th Blue]

In the long grass to the left of the 3rd Blue I came across this Ruby Tiger moth.

Ruby Tiger Phragmatobia fuliginosa [3rd Blue]

A Little Grebe was on the pond nearby.  I watched it briefly before it dived under the water and must have swum to the undergrowth as I couldn't spot it again.

Little Grebe [3rd Blue]

This Blackcap was singing in the trees above the bridge between the Red and Blue courses.

Blackcap [1st Red]

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