Thursday, April 21, 2022

21 April 2022


Glorious day today.  Went out for a walk this morning and played the back nine of the Red this evening. 

The highlight was watching a Water Vole beside the stream at the back of the 3rd Blue first thing.  Water Voles have declined by 95% in the UK since the 1970s, due to habitat loss and predation by Mink.  They need slow-flowing streams like the one on the Blue course and typically range over a stretch of about 120 metres.  I have seen one a couple of times before, but only very briefly.  This one seemed oblivious to my presence.

Water Vole [3rd Blue]

Here are the video highlights.  These mostly contain eating - not surprising given that a Water Vole needs to consume 80% of its body weight each day.  I've tried this a few times myself, and it's not easy to do - certainly not day after day eating grass.

On the 18th of the Red I came across this flower. Whilst it looks like the Primroses nearby - Primrose flowers only grow singly.  It is either an Oxlip, which is a very scarce plant, or a False Oxlip, which is a cross between a Cowslip and a Primrose and the more likely.  

False Oxlip Primula vulgaris x veris [18th Red]

Easier to identify are the Fairy Foxgloves which brighten up the car park.

Fairy Foxglove Erinus alpinus [Car park]

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