Wednesday, May 18, 2022

18 May 2022


I had a quick walk around the front nine of the Blue this morning.  The highlight was spotting a Hobby near to the green on the second.  You can see these small falcons from time to time at Frilford, they are summer visitors and hunt small birds and large insects.  They have narrower wings than a Kestrel and have distinctive red undertail coverts.  I usually see them only briefly, flying fast and low, but this one was perched in the tree, feeding on the unfortunate small bird that it had captured.

Hobby [2nd Blue]

You can regularly see Brown Hares around all three courses at the moment, particularly on the front nine of the Blue.  This one was wandering around the 5th.

Brown Hare [5th Blue]

This Roe Deer wandered past in the field next to the 6th.

Roe Deer [6th Blue]

A few dragon/damselflies are starting to appear on the courses now.  There were a few Azure Damselfly was on the 9th -

Azure Damselfly Coenagrion puella [9th Blue]

near to where this Ragged Robin was growing.  You can also find a few of these in Two Pine Fen on the 16th Red.

Ragged Robin Silene flos-cuculi [9th Blue]

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