Thursday, May 19, 2022

19 May 2022

A couple of weeks ago as I walked through the scrubby area between the 14th and 15th Red I heard a bird song that I didn't quite recognise, but assumed that it must have been a Blackcap.  I heard the same again this morning, but managed to track down the bird which turned out to be a Garden Warbler.  It is the first time that I have seen one at Frilford.  This individual was quite obliging and sang pretty much continuously for half an hour.  Garden Warblers are the same size as a Blackcap and, other than the song, have no real distinguishing features.  My bird book describes them, rather harshly, as 'nondescript and featureless'.  It was nice to see one nevertheless.

Garden Warbler [15th Red]

It is interesting to compare the song to this Blackcap that I filmed on the 9th Blue a couple of weeks ago. The Blackcap is a little more melodic with shorter phrases.

There were a lot of Linnets on the 13th-15th Red.  They nest in the Gorse bushes.

Linnet [13th Red]

Look out for Common Twayblade in Two Pine Fen.  It is the second of Frilford's orchids to flower and though not as colourful as the others they are very numerous.

Common Twayblade Neottia ovata [4th Green]

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