Saturday, May 28, 2022

22 May 2022


It looked as though a dusting of snow was covering the 4th and 5th fairways on the Blue today.  It was actually caused by the fluff from Alder Bloom blowing in the light breeze and settling.

Lots of Swallows, Swifts, Sand Martins and House Martins around Frilford at the moment.  The last of these nest under the eaves of the clubhouse, constructing a nest of damp mud that hardens to form a robust structure.

House Martin (Clubhouse)

There are lots of these Black-headed Cardinal Beetles around the course at the moment.  You may see one flying past or climbing the vegetation in the rough.  Their bright red colour makes them consipcuous.

Black-headed Cardinal Beetle Pyrochroa coccinea [12th Red]

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