Saturday, May 28, 2022

27 May 2022

There was a bit of commotion as I approached the 3rd Blue this morning.  A juvenile Grey Heron was being mobbed by a couple of Black-headed Gulls.  It eventually gave up and flew off towards the 1st.

Grey Heron and Black-headed Gull [3rd Blue]

A pair of Greylag Geese is regularly feeding on the grass around the 4th and 8th on the Blue course at the moment.  This evening they were resting by the pond on the 4th, seemingly unconcerned by my presence.

Greylag Geese [4th Blue]

A few more dragonflies are emerging around the ponds.  This Four-spotted chaser was on reeds to the left of the 6th Blue.
Four-spotted Chaser Libellula quadrimaculata [6th Blue]

An army of Common Spotted Orchids has started to emerge in Two Pine fen.  These are the most commonly spotted orchids around the course and the lower petal has 3 fairly evenly sized lower petal lobes.

Common Spotted Orchids Dactylorhiza fuchsii [16th Red]

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