Monday, May 2, 2022

30 April 2022

The sunshine meant that butterflies were out in good numbers today.  One of the most noticeable at this time of year is the Orange Tip.  The male is easy to identify with orange patches at the end of its wing.  The female is less obvious. 

Orange Tip Anthocharis cardamines  [Tubney range]

I saw lots of other butterflies about today including Brimstones, Peacocks, Speckled Wood and Holly Blue.

Speckled Wood Pararge aegeria [6th Blue]
Holly Blue Celastrina argiolus [14th Red]

Several Whitethroats were singing on the Doghouse range.  This Whitethroat was singing in the same spot as last weekend.  
Whitethroat [Doghouse range]

Subterraneum clover is one of the specialist species of Frilford.  You can see it on the Doghouse range and on the short rough on the Green course. It is very abundant, but tiny - in this photo I have included a tee for scale.

Subterranean Clover Trifolium subterraneum [Doghouse range]

Another rarity is Heath Dog Violet which is a bit smaller than Common Dog Violet and has a yellow spur.  You can find this between the 7th and 10th on the Gree course and on the footpath alongside the 4th on the Red.

Heath Dog Violet [4th Red]

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