Sunday, April 24, 2022

24 April 2022


Another sunny spring day.  A few familiar summer migrants are starting to reappear.  I have seen Swallows around the reservoir and the ponds on the Blue and House Martins over the clubhouse.  Whitethroats are singing around the course - I have heard them on the 4th Blue and two or three at the Doghouse Range.

Swallow (Reservoir)

Whitethroat (Doghouse range)

There are also plenty of colourful resident birds about too. I saw this Green Woodpecker and Robin on the Doghouse range and a Kingfisher which was perched just beyond the 4th tee on the Blue.
Green Woodpecker (Doghouse range)

Robin (Doghouse range)

Kingfisher (4th Blue)

Equally colourful are these Marsh Marigolds which offer consolation to those going in the hazard on the 9th Blue and the first Orchid of the year in Two-Pine Fen.

Marsh Marigold Caltha palustris [9th Blue]

Early Purple Orchid Orchis mascula [4th Green]

Stoats are quite evident at the moment I have seen them sprinting across the fairways 2 or 3 times in the last couple of weeks.

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