Saturday, June 11, 2022

11 June 2022


I had a walk around all three courses in the sunshine this morning.   The first Pyramidal Orchids are coming into flower.  They grow on all three courses, but this one was on the right of the 15th Red.

Pyramidal Orchid Anacamptis pyramidalis [15th Red]

Lots of other plants are flowering now in the rough:

Opium Poppy Papaver somniferum [15th Red]

Ox-eye Daisies Leucanthemum vulgare [8th Blue]

Hare's-foot Clover is one of the characteristic plants of the short rough at Frilford and covers large areas of the Tubney driving range.
Hare's foot Clover Trifolium arvense [Tubney range]

The whole of a hare was stopped for a while in the woods behind the 6th Blue.

Brown Hare [6th Blue]

I had a quick wade through Boundary Fen this afternoon.  Lots of the Marsh Lousewort is in flower and quite a few Dragon and Damselflies were active.

Blue-tailed Damselfly Ischnura elegans [Boundary Fen]

White-legged Damselfly Platycnemis pennipes [Boundary Fen]

Now that I can better recognise the Garden Warbler's song I have realised that there are a few of them around the courses.  This one was singing on the left of the second fairway on the Blue and another was singing from the trees around the green.

Garden Warbler [2nd Blue]

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