Sunday, June 12, 2022

12 June 2022


I had a walk around all three courses early this morning.   This Roe Deer was feeding just off the path on the 3rd Blue, oblivious to my approach for a while and I managed to get quite close before it spotted me and sped off.

Roe Deer [3rd Blue]

The Spotted Flycatchers were on the left of the 4th today.  They seemed to be a family party of 4 or 5 birds feeding in the trees and occasionally grabbing an insect from the ground.

Spotted Flycatcher [4th Blue]

They are not the most obvious birds to identify, but there are not many small other birds around the course that perch, fly and hover and then return to the same spot.

On the Green course there was also a family party of 7 or 8 Magpies on the 15th and a single Jay in the undergrowth behind the 6th Green.

Magpies [15th Green]

Jay [6th Green]

Lots of insects out and about this morning.  Snipe Flies are carnivorous and live in shady damp areas. The male and female are very different in appearance - the male is the small dark one.  These two were on the 9th Red.

Snipe Flies Chrysopilus cristatus [9th Red]

Small Tortoiseshell butterflies are easy to spot all over the course at the moment.  This one was on the 14th Red.

Small Tortoiseshell Aglais urticae [14th Red]

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