Tuesday, June 20, 2023

20 June 2023


Viper's Bugloss Echium vulgare [15th Blue]
I have had a few visits to the course over the last week or so.  One of the most spectacular sights at the moment is the Viper's Bugloss which has colonised the area between the 13th and 15th on the Red, which was cleared last year.  Other than Bluebells carpeting a spring wood I can't think of many comparable displays of floral blue.

Cinnabar  Tyria jacobaeae [15th Red]
Not far away on the 15th Red was this Cinnabar moth.  It is a day-flying moth that can often be found in this area.

Common Broomrape Orobanche minor [18th Blue]

At the back of the 18th on the Blue was this rather odd-looking brown plant - a Common Broomrape which is parasitic on members of the pea family.  

Whitethroat [7th Blue]

After the excitement of the Oystercatcher and Egyptian Goose over the last couple of weeks, it was back to more familiar birds.  Whitethroats are very common on the course but can be difficult to spot.  Sometimes their calls give them away - this one is giving an alarm call.

House Sparrow [Reservoir]

This House Sparrow was one of two or three that breed around the reservoir.

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