Saturday, June 24, 2023

24 June 2023


I had a quick walk around the Green course this morning and played nine holes on the Red this evening.  I was pleased to see that Marsh Helleborine have colonised the damp area in from of the stream on the 4th Green.  I have not seen them here before and a good outcome for the conservation work carried out in this area.

Marsh Helleborine Epipactis palustris [4th Green]

The Chalk Fragrant Orchids nearby are nearly in flower and a few Pyrimidal Orchids are also appearing around the course.

Pyramidal Orchid Anacamptis pyramidalis [6th Red]

Chalk Fragrant Orchid Gymnadenia conopsea [16th Red]

The Tubney range contains a lot of flowers and insects at the moment.  Hares-foot Clover grows in prolific quantities.  The rather alien-looking Common Cudweed is also common here.

Common Cudweed Filago vulgaris [Tubney range]

Hare's-foot Clover Trifolium arvense [Tubney range]

In amongst the grass there were a lot of Silver-Y Moths - so called because of the inverted Y visible on its wings.

Silver Y moth Autographa gamma [Tubney range]

I was pleased to see a Common Sandpiper on the reservoir.  This is the first that I have seen here since the work on the reservoir last year.

Common Sandpiper [Reservoir]

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