Monday, August 7, 2023

7 August 2023


I walked around the front nine of the Blue early this morning.  As you can see from the photo, the fairways were pretty wet after the rain of the last few days.  There wasn't too much about, although I did come across a new plant for my Frilford list.  Lesser Swine-cress grows around the 3rd, although it is not a plant of great beauty.

 Lesser Swine-cress Coronopus didymus [3rd Blue]

Rather prettier is the Field Pansy which is common all over the Blue course.  This one was also on the 3rd

Field Pansy Viola arvensis [3rd Blue]
I also called in briefly at the Doghouse practice ground, which is covered in Knotted Clover at this time of year.  
Knotted Clover Trifolium striatum [Doghouse Practice Ground]

Wild Carrot grows in the car park.  This is one of the easier Umbellifers to identify as once the flowers go over, the umbel curls up into a ball.

Wild Carrot Daucus carota [Doghouse practice ground]

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