Friday, August 11, 2023

9 August 2023

 Had a quick walk around the Blue and Red courses in the sunshine early this morning.   Beside the 10th tee on the Red I came across half a dozen or so Soapwort plants.  I usually see Soapwort on the 14th/15th of the Red, this is the first time that I have come across them on the 10th.  Their leaves/roots, when boiled, lather up and produce a mild detergent - hence the name.   

Soapwort Saponaria officinalis [10th Red]

There are a lot of young birds around the course at the moment - particularly Willow Warblers and Blackcaps.  This young Blackcap was in the Wood between the 16th and 17th Blue.

Blackcap [16th Blue]

The Grey Heron was next to the pond on the 1st Blue this morning and this rather tame young Roe Deer was in the woods behind the 6th Blue.

Grey Heron [1st Blue]

Roe Deer [6th Blue]

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