Saturday, February 19, 2022

19 February 2022


Lots of fallen trees and debris for the Greenkeeping staff to clear up after storm Eunice.  Quite a few birds around first thing, including a new tick for me on the courses as a Water Rail scurried across the path as I walked along the 3rd on the Blue this morning.  They are very secretive water birds that live in thick vegetation around water - more often heard than seen.  I managed to get a couple of blurry  shots before it disappeared back into the undergrowth.

Water Rail [3rd Blue]

A few birds seemed to be returning to the courses ready to nest.  I saw a couple of Reed Buntings to the left of the 3rd Blue and a pair of Stock Doves in the wood between the 16th and 17th on the Blue.

Stock Dove [17th Blue]

On the 5th Blue the flock of Redpolls and Siskins was very active with 40-50 birds feeding.

Redpolls [5th Blue]

Siskin [5th Blue]

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